In addition to the Coach to Communicate module, parents are welcome to complete any of the following training modules, which can be accessed through both the PREP Parents and PREP (for educators) courses. Visit the PREP website to access these training modules.
Coach to Communicate
Our Coach to Communicate webinar gives parents tools to help their child with autism spectrum disorder improve their communication skills. After viewing the webinar and completing the post-assessment, parents who are interested in learning how to apply the webinar concepts to their own situation through online, individualized parent training sessions are invited to read and fill out the information and consent form.
Behavior Reduction Trainings
- Functions of Behavior ~ An introduction to why behaviors occur and under what circumstances. Strategies to help diminish challenging behaviors and establish desired behaviors are introduced.
- Differential Reinforcement ~ Learn more in-depth reinforcement strategies for ways to increase appropriate behavior and reduce challenging behavior.
- Antecedent Strategies ~ Learn interventions that help prevent behaviors from occurring, by addressing events that happen before the challenging behavior, after determining why a behavior occurs.
- Extinction Procedures ~ Learn about behavior intervention procedures that withhold a reinforcer that had previously been maintaining a challenging behavior, resulting in the 5extinction of the challenging behavior.
Skill Acquisition Trainings
- Reinforcement ~ Strategies for increasing the likelihood that a desired behavior will occur again in the future under similar circumstances through a variety of reinforcement plans.
- Fading ~ Strategies for slowly removing prompts in order to allow your child to perform desired responses and actions independently.
- Generalization and Maintenance ~ Learn strategies to encourage your child to apply newly learned skills and behaviors with different people and in different settings. Focus on maintaining preferred behaviors through the future.
Describing Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Learn about a variety of tools, devices and methods of communication that can be used by individuals who are non-verbal, or would benefit from using AAC to compliment their verbal communication.
Functional Communication Training
Explore the correlation between problem behaviors and the challenges faced by many individuals with autism spectrum disorder to appropriately communicate their needs. Understand the progression of assessing the purpose of the individual’s behavior, to determining the best course of action to increase desired behaviors and communication skills while diminishing problem or challenging behaviors.
Assessment Trainings
- Functional Behavioral Assessments ~ Introduction to available assessment practices to understand the cause of behaviors, so that the most successful behavioral change strategies can be determined.
- Conducting Preference Assessments ~ Learn about assessment methods to determine the best reinforcers for your child in multiple situations.
Transition Preparation Training
Learn how to determine a coordinated set of activities within a results-oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with autism to facilitate the child’s movement from school to post-school activities, including:
- Post-secondary education
- Community participation
- Vocational education
- Integrated employment (including supported employment)
Transition Preparation Training
Learn how to determine a coordinated set of activities within a results-oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with autism to facilitate the child’s movement from school to post-school activities, including:
- Post-secondary education
- Community participation
- Vocational education
- Integrated employment (including supported employment)
Goal Setting: Using ABA Principles to Promote Self-Determination
Learn how to use Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) principles to promote the individual’s ability to make decisions, understand the results of their own behavior, and take control of their own lives through goal-directed and self-regulated behavior. Help children with autism set goals for improving self-awareness and making decisions by reviewing and discussing examples of self-determination at various functional levels.
Promoting Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) from Home
Strategies for assisting families with youth who have disabilities to promote their social-emotional learning (SEL) skills – such as understanding and managing their emotions, feeling and showing empathy for others, and making responsible and caring decisions – through step-by-step training, case study modeling, and practical implications.